We’ve all been there before:

You found the perfect solution for your new prospect (or existing client).

You presented the solution, and they said “yes” and they were ready to move forward.

But it was a new product with a new company so you had to get appointed first.

…and then the nightmare began.

Contracting was delayed, and delayed again, for one reason or another.

Wrong box checked on the form, outdated form, “more info needed” or any number of other niggling issues.

(Or maybe you found out that the product for your State was different so it wasn’t so great after all)

And you couldn’t close the deal (and get paid) until you were contracted.

DCF Exchange has eliminated this headache for advisors.

(If you offer DCF Exchange contracts to your clients, you know this already)

The process for you to offer DCF Exchange contracts to your clients is quick, simple, and painless.

In fact, if you find a contract you like in our inventory, we can reserve it for your client and have you ready to close the deal in 24 – 48 hours (or even less).

What this means to you is that you can sell your client a case from New York Life or MetLife or Prudential… and you DO NOT NEED to be appointed with them.

Since these are existing payment streams, you’re not selling a new contract to your client.

And you DO NOT need to go through a convoluted appointment process.

And since we have these contracts in our inventory, the sale and transfer is quick and easy.

You only need to be signed up and approved with DCF Exchange to sell these safe, high-yielding assets.

Why not give DCF Exchange a road test?

Go find a payment stream that will work for one of your clients or prospects and let us know – email, phone, or text for a 48 hr hold on a payment stream. Or, give a call to let us help you with a split portion, a custom priced illustration, or a combination of multiple payments.

We will get you “ready for action” faster than a speeding bullet, and you can close that deal right away.